Ok, so I thought I'd write about the '2012 Doomsday Phenomenon’ that seems to be making the news on a daily basis (with the mainstream media as the prime suspects...). You might be surprised how many ‘serious’ people are actually seriously worried about the discussions taking place, or simply the jargon they've been fed by the mass media has done its job! And in case you are not aware what the 2012 phenomena is all about, it is the 'End of Days' or 'Armageddon' scenario. Most of it is either absolute rubbish, has been wildly distorted, or (on the rare occasion) actually is worthy of a genuine basis for acknowledgement (or concern, if you wish...)
So here goes.
I`m going to do my best to explain to you what 'I' know through my individual research, and what my own personal opinion is about the phenomena... (not that you may want or need my take on it...). But, if for some reason you would like to hear what I have to say about it all, then here it is... and I hasten to add I am no expert on the subject. I have simply been asked my opinion too many times that I've decided to kill all birds with one stone, and having found myself with a small window of time... decided to write it down.
Firstly, I'm going to run through all the facts, theories (and downright outrageous stories…) that you may or may not have heard about. And, in case you didn't know the exact date this is all supposed to happen... it’s the 21 December, wait for it, yes you've guessed right! 2012... :)
Here it is, in a nutshell, in no specific order of relevance:-
- Mayan Calender Prophecy - And bear in mind there are massive disagreements on this between archaeologists, historians, mystics and other scientific 'experts'. But the essential gist of it all is that on the 21 December, the 5,125 year-old Mesoamerican calender runs out... That's basically it. The Mayans were supposedly known for their extraordinary astronomical observations and mathematical prowess, so they must have had a valid reason right, is what everyone seems to be worried about. The question is, are the archaeological and historic interpretations accurate? And if so, what does it mean when the calender ends? Does a new one simply begin? Does it mean global Armageddon? Or maybe perhaps it means a global shift/transformation (physically or spiritually) in human attitudes towards a higher level of enlightenment? Those are some of the thoughts currently being discussed…
- Petrus Romanus (The Prophecy of the Popes) - This is an 800 year old prophecy by Saint Malachy, a 12th Century bishop, 'accurately' describing each of the Popes up until today... when, after Pope Benedict, we will witness the Last Pope... ‘Peter the Roman’... whose arrival will result in the destruction of Rome, signalling the coming of the False Prophet and the Antichrist. So not all that great really...
- The 'Year of the Dragon' - I don't need to go into too much detail here but essentially what some Christian 'end-timers' believe to represent the 'Year of the Beast'. To some the dragon is symbolic of being the luckiest year in the Chinese Zodiac calender. To others it represents the unluckiest... the signal of the arrival of the Beast/the Antichrist, as to them, the dragon historically isn't the nicest of creatures and represents something a little different shall we say…
- The Economic Debt Crisis - This again hopefully doesn't need too much explanation as I'm quite sure you've all heard a fair amount about it! What it means, or what it leads to, would be what happened last in 1929, following the last major market collapse, and followed 8 years later by the German invasion of Poland triggering World War II... experts suggest that historically after a prolonged global downturn, profound political and global repercussions take place, usually culminating in war, and in this case...
- World War III - This would be the final solution to what we are witnessing taking place as I speak. A supposed nuclear Iran (possibly backed by Russia and China fed up with America's self-appointed 'World Police' tag...) vs. the U.S, U.K, Israel... I think you get the general picture we all know to exist... and this would tellingly result in 'Nuclear Armageddon'. This also ties in to our next topic...
- Islamic ‘End Times’ Theology - Some, particularly within the US and Israeli governments, are aware of, or perhaps have convinced themselves, that the supreme Ayatollah, the President and the entire Iranian Shia-regime, believe that Islamic eschatology (end-times theology) points to the coming of the Messiah known as the 12th Imam Mahdi, and are in fact accelerating attacks based on this motive in the belief that he will appear to establish a global Islamic kingdom known as the caliphate. In order to do this, according to Israel, they will annihilate the state of Israel (or 'Little Satan', as it affectionately known to them...) and the U.S ('Big Satan'... trying my best not to laugh here...)
- The ‘Arab Spring’ & ‘Occupy Movements’ – These revolutionary movements, currently being witnessed, would be intrinsically linked to the economic debt crisis and could be viewed as one-and-the-same I suppose. They could equally be linked to an eventual Islamic Republic vs. ‘The West’ World-War, arising from the increasing levels of deprivation being experienced on both sides, and culminating in the inevitable when pushed so far...
- A Geomagnetic Reversal – Often referred to as a Polar Shift. This theory is based on debatable scientific evidence that the Earth’s magnetic field is weakening which would lead to a reversal of the poles. There are a number of theories as to why this might be occurring, with the most valid being the Sun reaching its Solar Maximum in 2012, though some experts say 2013, releasing solar storms (and rather large flares…) that would have dire consequences on the planet to say the least (see the movie 2012 for visual reference… or was that more global warming from what I can remember?… sorry, couldn’t help myself). Other theories would have this geomagnetic reversal connected to galactic alignments and astronomical events, to which we will come to later on…
- The ‘Super Volcano’ – There are also a number of possible candidates for this one, I’m sorry to say… Yellowstone National Park in the U.S is perhaps the most well-known. But there are, disturbingly, quite a few more… Lake Toba in Indonesia; Lake Taupo in New Zealand; the Aira Caldera in Japan; and the list goes on including the more recent possible ‘find’ of Laacher See Lake in Germany… The point is, an eruption from one of these ‘Super-Volcano's’ would prove cataclysmic. Some of the immediate and long-term effects would be the mass extinctions of species (humans included), changes to weather (extreme… with the possibility of plunging humanity into another ice-age) and the knock-on effects, e.g. land/food/water (uninhabitable/severely diminished/undrinkable)… Oh, and did I mention that Yellowstone in particular last erupted 640,000 years ago, so, depending on differing estimates, is long overdue an eruption by a few 100 to a 1000 years… But, to put your mind at rest, we could also be waiting a thousand more…
- Global Warming – Literally just watch the movie if you believe this one… I don’t buy it I’m afraid :) …This theory is based around the destruction of our planet caused by ‘us’. Now whilst I don’t deny humanity could be doing considerably more to reduce CO2 emissions etc. etc. etc., I don’t believe it would have such a detrimental effect on the planets ability to survive. If we are experiencing global changes in climate, weather patterns etc., for me, this is due more to geomagnetic reversals, solar flares (solar maximums), and simply where scientific data tells us that historically the Earth goes through cyclical periods where it experiences numerous Glacial and Inter-glacial cycles resulting in correlating levels of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere, as a direct result. So, we would in affect, be somewhere closer on the graph to coming-out-of-an-ice-age…
- Galactic Astronomical Alignments – The science here is focused on the ‘12 Zodiac Constellations’, the ecliptic path taken by the Sun and our view of this event from the Earth. When the Sun reaches its Solstice position (December 21…) it will appear, from Earth, to come into alignment with the Milky Way, that Galaxy that contains our Solar System… For people that place a great deal of significance and mysticism to astrology (esoteric new-agers…), this means that the Sun’s equinox is leaving the Pisces constellation and entering into the Aquarius. Hence the beginning of a ‘New-Age’, the ‘Age of Aquarius’, and the ending of another astrological age... This event would be viewed by some as to herald a new dawn, a new event, of universal importance and of obvious consequence to our planet. Whether such an event would be catastrophic or enlightening would depend on your interpretations and beliefs in any-which-way. I suppose from a Christian perspective (or any religion for that matter), one who studies astrology and ‘signs in the sky’ might interpret such an event as heralding the arrival of, lets say, perhaps the Second coming of the Messiah or an event of extreme significant religious importance. I think you get where I’m going with this theory… Such an astronomical event would hold substantial sway from whichever perspective it was viewed from… However, I would like to add that astronomical events occur all the time in various sizes and with varying impacts on the Earth itself, if any… But sure this one would be a biggy…
- UFO Disclosure – No, I kid you not, this is a real and serious concern for an alarming number of people worldwide (I would say well into the millions…), and is growing momentum by the day. There are varying versions of what might happen and I will do my best to skip through it quickly... Some believe that we will be invaded by genuine ET’s with either apocalyptic consequences, or what will be the beginning of a great new friendship, depending on how you view ‘them’. Others believe that it is all a big hoax by the government (see New World Order...), where they have either been the little-green-men all along (hiding there advanced technology…), or they have in fact secretly been in league with the little blighters from the beginning, or similarly, they will put on a ‘great show’ using the HAARP project blue-beam to orchestrate such an event (Fake Alien invasion/Return of the Messiah...) that we might all come together as one big, scared, happy family desperate to unite under their convenient ‘One-World Government’ dictatorship… There is also a rather disconcerting and increasing number of Christians (some call them End-Timers or Rapturites), who believe that the UFO’s could in fact be physical manifestations of either spiritual beings (and here I’m referring to Angels and Demons…) or, the Nephilim (Giants/Sons of God), who existed in the days of Noah before God saw their wickedness and destroyed them (See Genesis 6:4, King James Bible… also mentioned again in Numbers 13:33). There were also a number of scholars and scientists at an ‘Alien Abduction Conference’ held at MIT in 1992, who presented research that provided an unnerving amount of parallels between the ‘abduction experience’ and satanic ritual abuse (thanks is due here to Dr. Michael Heiser…)
- Rogue Planet or Comet – This is fairly self-explanatory… Believers speculate that a comet (usually Elenin…) or rogue planet (usually Nibiru…) will collide with the Earth and we will quite simply cease to exist (check out the movie Armageddon for artistic impression on this one)… :)
- Strange Mass Animal Deaths – There are a number of theories about these mass animal deaths that have just recently been witnessed. The events most commonly experienced are usually either thousands of birds falling from the sky, or occasionally, fish washing ashore in the hundreds if not thousands… Whilst an abnormal number of people take this as a sign of an apocalyptic year to come, there may perhaps be other various explanations… One of the theories is that these events are ‘proof’ of the on-going use of ‘Weaponized-Weather Weapons’, such as HAARP, that unfortunately has catastrophic consequences for our winged friends. Another theory similarly to this one would be the use of Chemtrails sprayed into the atmosphere, further proof of the poisonous chemicals being used, and for reasons without explanation (see agenda 21 or ‘fixing the whole’ in the ozone layer… depending on your stance). Other theories attributed to the events range from fireworks causing disorientation and ‘death by fright’; Hail storms; Lightning Strikes; Other freak weather phenomena; and my personal favourite… Geomagnetic Reversal… which is probably the most logical…
- Christian ‘End-Times’ Theology – Now this theory would combine all of these preceding theories and take them into account as being ‘biblical signs’ as mentioned in the Bible… such as the Books of Revelation and Mark… Mark 13:7 clearly says, “And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows”… Now the Book of Matthew 24: 36 also says, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”. Whilst we may be witnessing events worthy of such description as mentioned in the Bible, I would also point out that such events have been witnessed throughout history and, to a large extent, far worse than we are experiencing now… Economic-debt-crisis, world-wars (of which I have personally not yet witnessed, just to put it into perspective…), revolutions, ice-ages/global warming, catastrophic volcanic eruptions, other astronomical alignments, mass animal deaths etc… These have been occurring since human civilization began and will continue to do so. Yes, if we add to that a number of supposedly significant prophecies (Petrus Romanus and the Mayan Calender...) then the signs are perhaps heightened somewhat, but then again, there have been numerous unfulfilled prophecies before now, so why should these be any different? I would also add to this line of thinking another reference to Mark 13:6 “For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many”…. As far as I can remember we have not, yet, witnessed anyone claiming (seriously I might add, not any old nutcase from the psychiatric ward…) to be the Son of God, the returning Messiah. Sure we have had numerous false prophets, and will continue to do so, but a serious claim from (let’s say) a person to be taken a bit more seriously, such as the 'Buddha-Boy' for example… would warrant a more valid reference to us truly witnessing bible prophecy when concerning the end of days.
To conclude, and I think you can probably guess by now, what my opinion is on the whole 2012 'craze'… I would say that it is certainly a year where we will possibly be experiencing more events related to such talk, coincidence or not, natural or unnatural (see orchestrated chaos…). However, there have also been I’m sure, as many similar coincidences occuring throughout our human history... I’m fairly certain had I have had the misfortune of being involved in a world-war, where every nation was pretty much involved whether they liked it or not, or perhaps in a major revolution (such as the French for example…), or even if I had been born perhaps into a native tribe in the America’s 'pre-colonization', before the coming of the ‘alien’ white race, only to be pushed towards almost total annihilation… then I would have certainly been far more convinced that I may have been experiencing the 'end of the world' as I would have known it.
So, YES something 'significant' is highly likely to happen in 2012, based on the scientific evidence alone, and quite possibly on the 21 December, if that’s what research tells us... But whether or not such an event would simply be a great sight to witness (such as a once in a lifetime galactic alignment…), or whether it would prove to be catastrophic, either way I would not worry yourselves about it… If such a freak event were to occur (let’s say a super-volcano or comet for dramatic purposes, as I’m sure you must be nodding off now…), it could happen at any time, any day, of any month, in any year. To put it simply we should be living our lives accordingly as if each day were our last, regardless of whether tomorrow may be, because let’s face it, it could happen anytime (1 Thessalonians 5:2-11, "For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night”.)...
It will do you no good trying to predict the future... as the bible clearly says (for the Christians out there)… “Of that day and hour knoweth no man”… so, I would suggest, live your lives as best as you can, live each day as if it were your last, and love one another…..
By Hidden Truth News
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